Club 5 Mile Handicap Race
The annual race was held Saturday, Jan 21 in good conditions, despite the pounding rain hours earlier threatening the usual winter ‘handicaps’. So, eager to get back post ‘active rest’ racing legs, a blue train 37 strong (likely the largest turnout ever) toed the line at their coach determined–sans bribes–starting times. The rest must have worked (or was it just getting a break from the coach?), as over half finished with personal bests (for 8Km/5 mile). Congratulations to new member Ben Hanemaayer for winning the “First Runner Home” Trophy, even though he thought he was just showing up for a regular workout! Times are as follows in order of descending actual times. (5 miles is ~10 seconds longer than 8K)
Kevin O’Connor 25:49 (fastest male trophy)
John Atkinson 28:23 PB
Roy Millen 29:05
Heather Durkin 29:22 PB (fastest female trophy)
Kristin Smart 29:52 PB
Jo Astoria 30:07
Brian Devereux 31:00
Steve Malyon 31:04 PB
Omid Kiamanesh 31:18 PB
Ryan Fetterly 31:30 PB
Rebecca Reid 31:40
Amiel Logan 31:45
Allison Tai 31:51 PB
Chris Brandt 31:58 (welcome back to racing!)
Vicki Harris 32:13 PB
Jackie Spencer 32:25 PB
Shannon Berardo 32:25 PB
Alex Lea 32:26 PB
Brooke Spence 32:26 PB
Allison Ezzat 32:28 PB
Amanda Groves 32:30 PB
Karyn Mitchell 32:31 PB
Susie Lang-Gould 32:52 PB
Sue Kwan 32:56 PB
Bob Wade 33:05
David Han 33:06
Alicia Woodside 33:38 PB
Scott Rotherham 33:39 PB
Angela D’Elia 33:40
Ben Hanemaayer 34:04 PB
Jim Davies 34:23
Adele Wilson 34:35 (Welcome back. Adele!)
Mary Walsh 34:43
Bill Codville 36:07
Chris Chan 36:24 PB
Dave Seabrook 36:32
Rick Horne 43:06
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