Dave Reed 5K Charity Feedback

Here is some feedback we’ve received from Matt Johnston at Centered Lifestyle Services, the race charity of the Dave Reed 5K…
I have been meaning to thank everyone for their kind donation to the work that I do with inner-city children and youth.  Through the generous donations from the Dave Reed Memorial Run, I have been able extend my counselling services by offering Adventure-Based Counselling to some the clients on my caseload. In fact, on May 7-9th, Jeff Schiebler and I took three grade six boys on a camping trip to Hope.  These trips serve as a good excuse to take clients out of their usual environments for the weekend and expose them to healthy male role models.   I am able to utilize metaphors in nature to assist them in gaining greater understanding of their circumstance and “decompress” from the stressors in their life.  It is a weekend without any electronics, which for the demographic I work with, is quite out of the ordinary.  By the end of these trips, the typical response is a desire to stay and/or return. The funds provided through VFAC over the past two years, translates into servicing about eight youth in this capacity.  I would like to once again thank you for your continued support.
Thanks for the feedback Matt.

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